Choosing an air conditioner, furnace or heat pump replacement company isn’t an easy decision. Your HVAC system is likely the most expensive appliance in your home. Other than roof replacements or large home remodeling projects, having a new HVAC system (or two) installed is about as expensive as a home project can get.
Making an informed decision is hugely important given the amount of money you’re likely to spend. Getting a good price on a reliable system you know will work for decades to come is vital. Having dozens of HVAC companies to choose from in a large metro area is both a blessing and curse. There’s always a top of the class and a bottom of the class, and as a consumer you understandably want to work with one of the best.
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Transparency and clear answers are important. While there are many upstanding and reliable HVAC companies in the D.C. area, there are some questionable individuals in every field. The problem isn’t even dishonesty – it often comes down to a lack of experience or a basic lack of dedication to customer service or good craftsmanship.
Asking informed questions and gauging the answers you receive is one of the best ways to separate the great HVAC companies from the mediocre.
The installer should perform a load calculation to determine the appropriate size air conditioner for your home based on its cubic footage, insulation, your comfort preferences and other factors. Keep in mind square footage is not necessarily the key measurement. The amount of floor your home has does not determine the volume of air that must be temperature controlled. Ceiling height is just as important (especially if you have high ceilings).
Not every company works on or installs every brand of HVAC system. The particularly good, experienced companies will have experience working on just about everything. However, just because the installer performing your installation estimate can repair something doesn’t necessarily mean you should buy the system. Do your own system research and ask the installer about their brand preferences and why. See if what you find through your own research aligns with their assessment. If it turns out they sell a lower-quality brand or push you toward a unit that doesn’t have a good record, you may want to get a second opinion.
You should expect (and demand if necessary) a detailed estimate of the cost of the replacement and installation, including any additional fees for permits, labor or materials. Reputable companies will automatically provide detailed estimates, and you should be warry of companies that don’t want to give you a clear and straightforward estimate.
The system designer and installation technician who visits your home for an estimate should provide a detailed explanation of the installation process, including any necessary repairs or modifications to the existing ductwork or electrical system that will be necessary.
The company technician you speak with should provide an estimated timeline for the replacement and installation process, including any necessary permits or inspections. Ask if there are any unique regulations or requirements for your community and if things like permits or inspections will slow down the installation process. The company should handle these things for you.
Warranties are a fairly valuable asset that you shouldn’t ignore. If the specialist is recommending a certain brand or model, ask them about the warranty and any guarantees they offer. Some warranties require regular maintenance, which means the warranty will essentially be worthless if you don’t invest in regular maintenance. Make sure to ask those questions before you invest in a new air conditioner, furnace or heat pump.
System designers and installation technicians should have a number of important certifications, including a general certificate like NATE as well as manufacturer-specific certifications. If you’re interested in a particular make or model, it may be best to find a company that specializes in that brand of HVAC system.
Ask about their VIP program, especially if your warranty requires you to invest in regular maintenance. VIP members also benefit from a variety of other perks, like discounts, priority service and special offers.
Joining an HVAC company VIP club can provide several benefits to homeowners, including peace of mind, cost savings and personalized service.